Immanuel Lutheran School - Medford, Wisconsin WELS Synod Church

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Epiphany Moments: God in the Everyday

At this time of the year, life can seem a little lonely or dreary. The Christmas trees have been taken down, lights packed away and wrapping paper trashed. Children have played with their new toys until they don’t seem new anymore, and the New Year has come and gone. You already may have broken a resolution.

But the joy of Christmas isn’t over yet because we can choose to recognize the mercy of God in the everyday stuff. With open hearts and expectant outlooks, believers can have epiphany moments any day.

Try looking at life through the eyes of a child who is so excited about the Christmas story that he can’t contain himself. Or see the events of the day through the eyes of a traveler, like the Magi who had journeyed many miles to find something very small, new and precious. The Magi’s eyes were opened when they realized they were in the presence of their Savior, God and King.

In fact, Jesus commanded that His followers have this kind of wide-eyed faith.