Immanuel Lutheran School - Medford, Wisconsin WELS Synod Church

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Do Not Be A Stargazer!!

[The angels] said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” Acts 1:11 

Human beings have a tendency to stargaze. It is much easier to dwell upon the past rather than to work for the future. For some, it is resting on their laurels. Perhaps someone was a football star in high school. He may have even run the winning touchdown at a state championship game. He may want to remain in that moment for the rest of his life. But life goes on and the fifteen seconds of fame must be set aside or the realities of life consume him. For some, it is some ancient fear that cripples them. Let us go back to our example, only this time the player fumbles the ball. He is forever frozen in fear of failure. Life goes on, but if he holds onto the past, he cannot. We cannot simply stare into the sky hoping to be frozen in a moment we would like to keep or like to avoid. 

This was why the angels were sent to the apostles. The aftermath of the Ascension was not a moment to be frozen in time. For some of the apostles, the thought may have mirrored the thoughts of the Apostle Peter at the Transfiguration. It is good to be here, Lord, to witness your Ascension. Let us wait for your return right here. For others, the thought may have been one of foreboding. What are we to do now? Our Teacher has left us. How are we to go on? We are not privileged to know the thoughts of the apostles on that day. We only know that they were not to just stay there gazing up into the sky. They needed to be shaken back into the reality that lay before them. 

There was work for them to do. The apostles were under the command of Christ. This was not the time for stargazing. This was the time to return to Jerusalem and await the Holy Spirit. The Spirit would come in power, descend on them in fire, equip them with foreign languages, and embolden them to share the gospel. This would be their new reality. Fearful at times? Yes. Bringing new glory to God at other times? Yes. But whatever the future may bring, it was time to take the first steps into a new reality. 

Immanuel, as a congregation, has gone through some radical changes in the past six months. As members of Immanuel, we have a choice. We can stargaze, hoping that a past which is now gone would just suddenly reappear. Or we can step into a new reality, working and planning and serving to create a new Immanuel. We should heed the message of the angels. Our mission is not to stargaze. Our mission is to work, to share Christ with others, to be equipped by the teaching of our pastors, and to be emboldened by the indwelling Spirit as He comes to us through the word. This is the future of the Church. Faith only comes to our family, friends, and community if we, each and every one of us, share the good news. Blessings as we do. 

Frank Van Brockin 


Coming up in the near future for Immanuel Lutheran School:

❖ Our last ILSA meeting of the year is on Wednesday, May 8, at 6:00 PM in the school conference room. 

❖ Mrs. Routhieaux’s class will be participating in the NLHS Track Meet on Tuesday, May 14. 

❖ Our next School Board meeting will be 6 PM on Tuesday, May 14.

❖ There will be an early release day with bus service on Tuesday, May 15. The monthly faculty meeting will follow early release. 

❖ There is a Culver’s Share Night, May 16, 4-8 PM, Proceeds will go to funding for the WELS International Youth Rally.