Are You Connected To The Vine?
I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, he is going to cut off. And he prunes every branch that does bear fruit, so that it will bear more fruit. John 15:1-2
The conditions were always harsh. In the three years that I worked in the vineyards at Cal Poly State University pruning vines, I never remember the days being anything but cold and dreary. Constant rain dripped over the rain slickers we wore. The slickers held in heat, so though our hands were freezing, our bodies were sweating as we went methodically from row to row and acre to acre. Our knuckles would often split and bleed from being constantly banged together as we pruned.
But as hard as our work was on us, we were much harder on the dormant vines. Quickly and efficiently, we had to make decisions. Some vines or canes would bear abundantly in the next season. These we left behind and pruned them to the proper length for the vine. Others would be unproductive or get in the way of our caring for the vines in the next season. These would
be cut off at the vine and would be piled out for destruction. The work of a vine tender is to make hard judgments that benefit the vine.
The Father is the Gardener. He makes tough decisions about the branches on the Vine in His vineyard. Christ is the true Vine. We are the branches. The Father looks upon us and makes HIs decision. If we are not connected to Christ, we have become worthless. He prunes us out of His eternal kingdom and casts us aside into the fires of Hell. He cannot be more clear about
this in this section of the Gospel of John.
But if we remain connected to Jesus, we remain productive. We continue to grow as we hear His word. Our faith is strengthened. We serve the Vine by mirroring His loving provision for the branches in our lives. We serve the Vine by sharing the wondrous news of life, death, and resurrection. As we do, we help to join more branches to the Vine. And as those branches are joined, more and more fruit is produced for the Kingdom.
The work is not always easy. But the work is always rewarding. Remain connected to the vine by remaining in the word of God. Share His life-giving news, and you will be productive. Blessings on your connection with the true Vine.
Frank Van Brockin
Coming up in the near future for Immanuel Lutheran School:
❖ On Monday, April 29, starting at 6:00 PM, there will be an open house for all parents considering sending their children to MAES or to Stetsonville for education next year. Public school principal Dan Miller will provide a brief background of the schools and answer any questions parents may have. We will meet in the church sanctuary
❖ Fourth Quarter Midterm is on Friday, April 26. Midterm reports will go out April 30.
❖ The third and fourth grade classes will be going to the NLHS Childrens’ Theater on Friday, April 26.
❖ Mrs. Routhieaux’s class will be going on their Discover America trip May 1-3.
❖ On Friday, May 3, the Pre-K through 4th grade classes will spend the morning at the Habermeyer farm.
❖ If anyone is interested in possibly volunteering to help drive Immanuel students to Wausau for class at St. Peter or Our Savior in the 2024-2025 school year, please contact me (Mr. V) or Kelsey Sova. We are looking for volunteers that would be able to drive for the whole school year.