Sharing God with our Community


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The Holy Spirit's Work

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4 

It can be so easy to get distracted by the outward appearances of our world. We assume the struggles we face are simply the physical struggles of staying alive, well fed, protected, productive, and happy. The day-to-day often leaves us blind the fact that we are in the midst of a spiritual war. We forget that our enemies are not the people around us but rather the demons which seek our souls. Paul would speak of them in Ephesians: Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. From the moment of our baptism, the battle was enjoined. 

Our mission is to answer the battle cry. The evil one has placed a veil of unbelief over the eyes of the people of this world. He has blinded them to the truths of the gospel. He continues his work of spreading half-truths which lead the spiritually blind to think their own fetid good works are a sweet enough savor to merit salvation. Our work, as Christians and as a congregation, is to fight back against these lies couched in a veneer of half-truth. Our work is to share the only thing which can impart sight to the spiritually blind. We fight back with the truths of the gospel. 

In Christ’s day, His miracles drew people to Him. But it was not the miracles that opened their sight to the truth. That is the work of the Holy Spirit working through the gospel as it was preached and taught. It is no wonder that Jesus left the mission field in Capernaum where people flocked to Him for miracles to go throughout Galilee where He could preach and teach the truth in the synagogues and streets. He has come to seek and to save the lost. 

We can plan ways in which we draw people to Immanuel Lutheran Church through a school, child care, activities, and community events. But it is not these plans that will open the sight of unbelievers to the truth. Removing the veil of unbelief can only come through the work of the Holy Spirit working as we preach and teach the gospel. Faith continues to come, and always will, from preaching the message of Christ crucified. This is how the church grows. This is how the evil one is sent reeling. This is how we win in spiritual warfare. 

Wherever the Holy Spirit guides our path in the future as a congregation, one thing is certain: The gospel must continue to be preached. We must all join in the frontlines of telling the praiseworthy deeds of our Lord. May He guide our future. May He prosper our ministries. The battle is on. Stand up, stand up for Jesus. 


Frank Van Brocklin 

Principal Teacher 

Coming up in the near future at Immanuel Lutheran School:

❖ On Wednesday, February 14, we will have our third quarter assembly at 10:00 AM. Mrs. Routhieaux’s class is planning an escape room adventure for the other classes. At 1:00 PM, our school children will join the congregation for Ash Wednesday worship. Our Junior Handbell Choir will play for the service. The school day will end with early release at 2:00 PM to allow our teachers an early start in traveling for our teachers’ conference. No bus service will be provided for this early release. 

❖ There will be no school on February 15 and 16 while our teachers are in Oconomowoc for their winter conference. 

❖ February 26 through March 1 will be the odd late winter break with no school during this week. To help families with students in both public school and at Immanuel, our School Board elected to follow this scheduled break.

Carey Hartwig