Where Is Our Hope When We Fall Into Temptation?
One evening David had gotten up from his couch and was walking around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very good looking. David sent to inquire about the woman.
2 Samuel 11:2-3a
King David was a man who was outwardly clean. He prayed and worshiped the Lord, his God. He trusted God to sustain him in battle. God had blessed David with prestige, power, and position. God’s people saw him as a man of God. God’s people had been blessed by God under David’s leadership.
In one brief instant, the life and the reputation of King David was forever changed. The man after God’s own heart would then be known as an adulterer, a deceiver, and a murderer. He would no longer be viewed by his people as the young man who faithfully stood in God’s power against the Philistine giant. His heart would be brought dangerously close to the abyss of unbelief. In a brief instant, the inward sinner in David raised his ugly head.
How very different King David’s life would have been if, in that instant, he had followed the commands of the Lord. He would have walked away. He would have told his mind and heart that though this woman was beautiful, she was not his wife. He had no right
to desire her. The Lord had blessed him with his own wives. He would have followed the example of Joseph and fled from this temptation.
But King David did not. And his life now serves as a warning to us. We must be careful so that we ourselves do not fall into temptation. Sin is crouching at the door longing to possess us just as it had possessed Cain and later King David. The evil one prowls outside the door, as well, longing to devour our souls. Though no temptation will seize us which is not common to mankind, temptation does and will continue to come. Though God will provide a way out under such temptation, we can still deaden our consciences to God’s call from His Word. We can fall into the grips of sin as quickly as David fell.
So where do we find our own hope when we do fall into temptation ? We find it exactly where King David found hope and restoration. We find it in repentance. We flee for refuge to our Redeemer. We confess. He forgives. We do not need the pretense of outward cleanliness because His righteousness makes us inwardly and outwardly holy. Blessings. In Christ alone, you are blessed.
Upcoming at Immanuel Lutheran School
❖ Wednesday, February 15 School Assembly
❖ Wednesday, February 15 Early Release - No Bus Service Provided
❖ Thursday - Friday, February 16-17 Western Wisconsin District Conference
❖ Saturday, February 18 Child Development Expo at MAES