Why is the Bible important in YOUR life?
[Jesus] said to them, “This is what is written and so it must be: The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Luke 24:46-47
Dear fellow believers awaiting our Lord’s return:
Have you ever wondered how you would sum up the Bible if someone were to ask you what it is all about? Would you have the words to simply and succinctly sum it up? These words from our Gospel reading for this Sunday and Monday, spoken by our Lord before his ascension, do just that.
“This is what is written….” These five simple words reflect the purpose of the entire Old Testament. All of its books point forward to the One to come, the Messiah. From the first promise of the head crusher in the Garden of Eden to the announcement of his birthplace in Micah, the story of who the Savior would be and what he would come to do unfolded. God was fulfilling his promise of redemption to his fallen creation.
“The Christ will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day….” These straightforward words sum up the entire gospel beautifully. Jesus, the anointed one of God, did not come just to teach, to offer life guidance, or to toss around a few platitudes. Jesus came to suffer and die. Jesus came to offer his life for the redemption of all mankind. And after he did, the Father raised him to life, the testimony that our sins were indeed paid for through his blood.
“Repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name….” The Bible is not just an historical document written for a certain people in a certain period of time. It defines our purpose as Christians. Its pages give us our marching orders as grateful soldiers in the Lord’s army. Go and share the word. Preach the law to hearts that are complacent and see no need for salvation. Preach the gospel to hearts that are burdened by the weight of sin and shame. Continue the work of the apostles.
So now you are prepared to share this reason for the hope you have, to answer why the Bible is important in your life. The Scriptures speak of the coming Savior, tell of his sacrificial death for us, and give us purpose as we share Jesus with others.
Blessings. Frank Van Brocklin
Upcoming events for Immanuel Lutheran School:
❖ Thursday, May 26 Accelerated Reading Field Trip - 12:30 - 2:30 PM
❖ Thursday, May 26 3K, 4K, Kindergarten Celebration - 5:30 PM
❖ Friday, May 27 Last Day - Noon Release - No Bus Service
❖ Sunday, May 29 Graduation - 10:30 Worship Service
❖ Wednesday, June 8 School Board Meeting - 6:00 PM
❖ Friday, June 24 Brat Fry - County Market - 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
❖ Thursday, July 14 Culver’s Share Day - 4:00 - 8:00 PM