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Green Pastures

The LORD is my shepherd. 

I lack nothing. 

He causes me to lie down in green pastures. Psalm 23:1-2 

Growing up in California, I know well the Mediterranean climate that King David would have experienced. The rains came only in a short season each year. And when they came, they could be torrential, their waters racing down steep canyon gullies on their path to the sea. Yet they were always welcome because if there were no rains, there would be no pasture for cattle and sheep and goats. 

In the aftermath of the rains, the long dormant grass would begin to sprout and leaf out anew. The brown landscape of golden California gave way to the verdant pastures that blanketed the hillsides. Life had returned to the Pacific. The December and January rains had yielded their bounty of February through April grasses. Among our flocks, the ewes would give birth to their little lambs in God’s perfect timing. God provided the green pastures once again. 

When David speaks of these green pastures, he speaks of abundance. The rains flowing in from the Mediterranean Sea would provide from God’s hand. The flocks would grow fat and bear plentifully. David realized that this is what God had done for him in his life. He had taken a young shepherd boy and brought him through adversity to be King of Israel. God had provided David with wealth and power and popularity. More importantly, God had richly rained down forgiveness and mercy and pardon for David. 

When David speaks of these green pastures, he speaks of life. The newly greening pastures of Israel meant that God once again had provided all Israel needed to sustain life. David would have been reminded that so many times God had led David into pleasant pastures by preserving his life. God had defeated Goliath for David. God had protected him from King Saul’s murderous intentions. And God had forgiven David of his acts of adultery and murder so that he would be preserved for eternal life with him in the greater green pastures of heaven. 

How blessed we are that God leads us to pleasant pastures as well. In this life, He provides for us the abundance of our daily bread. He provides for our physical needs but even more so for our spiritual lives. He has given us His Word. In the life to come, He has provided us life which is truly life, eternal life that will never be taken from us. We will be forever before Him in the green pastures of life feasting from the tree of life. Blessings as He leads us to pleasant pastures. Share that blessed truth with others. 

Frank Van Brockin 


Coming up in the near future for Immanuel Lutheran School: 

❖ All are welcome to join us for our ILS Art fair on Friday, April 19, 5:00 to 6:30 PM.

❖ Fourth Quarter Midterm is on Friday, April 26.

❖ The third and fourth grade classes will be going to the NLHS Children’s Theater on Friday, April 26. 

❖ If anyone is interested in possibly volunteering to help drive Immanuel students to Wausau for class at St. Peter or Our Savior in the 2024-2025 school year, please contact me (Mr. V) or Kelsey Sova. We are looking for volunteers that would be able to drive for the whole school year.

Carey Hartwig