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A Brotherhood United......Because Of Sin

“...because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God…” Romans 3:23 

Growing up with my wonder years in the 1970s, there was always the hope. There was always the hope that we, as a nation and as a world, would become the brotherhood of man. There was the Age of Aquarius hope that all mankind would love one another, that people would rise above national and racial differences to embrace worldwide kindness and compassion. Naively, the people of our nation looked to human governments to make this come about. The war on poverty could not be sustained as helping hands became institutionalized entitlements, mere bandaids in addressing greater issues. Ultimately, the great hope has led to the great polarization of our day. And even today, to speak of the brotherhood of man is offensive in our generation of the pangenderism of preferred pronouns. 

What we failed to recognize as a nation was that we were already united. United in a sad and sinister way. We are a brotherhood of man because we all have sinned. We all have fallen far short of the perfection that our righteous God demands of us. In the 1980s, when I would share God’s Word with my fellow public university students, it was not hard to get them to admit they were not perfect and to begin to crack away at the stone that imprisoned their hearts. But, today, in my daughter’s generation, the matter is not so simple. The response is more of a So what if I’m not perfect. God’s not a concept which is important in my life right now. Perhaps I will put a little Jesus or allah or buddha on my bucket list to try. (After all, it is trendy to have one of those little buddha statues in my apartment. It makes me appear spiritual.) But there are so many other things to experience in life right now. Even the one thing which truly unites us has become inconsequential in the pursuit of self-expression and personal experience. Where unity is based upon human thought, reason, and action, it will never be genuine. 

But God calls us to a better unity. All are justified freely, all are declared righteous, by my grace through the redemption that is in my Son, Christ Jesus. What unites us is our need for a Savior. What keeps us united is our new life that comes from having been saved. The blood price paid by Jesus to buy us back from sin is a testimony to what true love for one’s brothers and sisters should be. It is this love alone that can compel us to love others as ourselves. We only can love and be united with others because He first loved us. The love of God in Christ Jesus alone can move us from entitlement to gratitude, from selfishness to generosity, and from self-seeking to service. 

So preach the Gospel while it is day in our land. Share the law as a warning. For some, it will still prick consciences and open hearts to their need for redemption. For many others, yes, it will lead to false offense and name calling. So be it. The law is the doorway to sharing the Gospel, the answer for every need. Preach the Word. Plant it home while the Gospel rain shower remains over our land. Blessings. 

Frank Van Brocklin 

Principal Teacher Immanuel Lutheran School 

New from Immanuel Lutheran School:

❖ Our faculty is anxiously awaiting our training at the Wisconsin Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference on Thursday, October 26, and Friday, October 27. There will be two keynote speakers and three breakout sessions we will attend. The highlight of the conference is always the opening worship service on Thursday morning. We also appreciate the opportunity to gather with fellow teachers and principals to uplift and encourage one another. 

❖ Because of our conference attendance, there will be no school on Thursday and Friday.

❖ On Sunday, October 25, the Voters’ Assembly voted to call Steven Kamps from First Lutheran in Lake Geneva as our new principal. His wife, Rachel, was called as our ECM Director.. Last spring, I announced to the School Board and Church Council that I would be retiring within three years. At the summer annual meeting, I was tasked with coming up with a plan for my replacement as a principal. Because the number of WELS teachers available for taking a principal call are limited and because calling a principal can take several years before a call is accepted, the preferred option I offered the Board and Council was to begin calling this year. I am ready to retire from the teaching ministry and am readily willing to return my call if a call is accepted. If someone accepts a call in this school year, I would return my call at the end of June. If not, I will continue to serve, as God gives me strength, until someone does accept the call or my last three years of my service has ended… whichever comes first. 

❖ Student-led parent-student-teacher conferences will be held on November 6 and November 9.

Carey Hartwig