Our Faith is the Evidence
This is evidence of God’s righteous verdict that resulted in your being counted worthy of
God’s kingdom, for which you also suffer. 2 Thessalonians 1:5
This is the evidence.... What is the evidence? What is the evidence that the Thessalonian
believers were considered worthy of God’s Kingdom? It was simply this: that their faith
continued to grow, that despite persecutions from without and false teaching from within they
held to the truth of the Gospel. In faith, they held to the promise of the resurrection of Jesus
Christ and the resurrection of the dead to come.
Surely, it was not the strength of their faith, but it was the object of their faith that made them
worthy. Their faith, produced in them by the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God,
centered on the threefold truth that Christ died for them, Christ rose for them, and Christ will
return for them. Faith in the righteousness of Christ on their behalf resulted in their being
counted worthy of God’s Kingdom.
But Paul did not pull punches in what followed. Being worthy of the Kingdom, Thessalonian
believers were also worthy of suffering for the KIngdom. There would be those who would
trouble them because of the truth they spoke. There are those who trouble us because of the
Gospel of forgiveness in Christ we speak. But we are not to seek vengeance. God will do so in
due time. God will repay trouble for trouble, insult for insult, affliction for affliction.
Knowing this, we can patiently endure. In this life, we are the Saints Militant, always on the
battlelines of the great war to win souls for eternity. We are wounded and weary at times. We
cry out for justice, and each day, the day of justice is one day closer. But even now we see the
end because God has revealed it to us. The day will come when our enemies will be eternally
shut out of God’s presence and our own presence. The day will come when we will be forever
with the Lord.
On the last day, we will not be cast aside into darkness and pain. No, our end is freedom as we
marvel at the wonder of our Savior as we finally see Him face to face. Then we will glorify Him
forever for His marvelous deeds which secured our salvation. We will be the Saints Triumphant,
triumphant forever over sin, death, and the devil.
Frank Van Brocklin
Principal/Staff Minister
Upcoming dates for Immanuel Lutheran School:
❖ Tuesday, November 15 Faculty Meeting
❖ Monday, November 21 Family Game Night - 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
❖ Tuesday, November 22 Early Release Day
❖ November 23-25 Thanksgiving Break - No School